The storyboard is the way we planned our production. Films work through visual composition according to Khuleshov, who says that 70% of the meaning comes through the images. Filming is hard work and time consuming. Storyboards mean you have practiced all the shot composition and the cuts or mixes for the transition between shots, even before you begin to film.
We also not only drew our storyboards but filmed them and edited them together so we could see what worked and what did not in terms of shots, cuts and tracking.
As our group produced the storyboard we took into consideration what shots to use and why and why we use tracking and craning. We use storyboards to build an image of what we did in the timeline, so that we have a clearer idea of what the video is going to look like as a finshed product. Using the timeline as a guide we can also see what works and what does not.
Storyboards are vital. In the storyboards we worked out the types of shots we were going to use, camera angles, the colours and shapes, the mise en scene, the camera movements, the framing and the way we would edit. So in the storyboar we work ebverything out, we plan, we test, in the real world the storyboard artist costs alot less per day than the £1 million plus that the movie would cost.
So woth our storyboard we are trying to visulize, to work out what is on screen. If it works we will then shoot it and then we will edit it together just like putting a puzzle together.
So woth our storyboard we are trying to visulize, to work out what is on screen. If it works we will then shoot it and then we will edit it together just like putting a puzzle together.
Unfortunately our plan kept changing from our timeline to our storyboard. This meant our storyboard kept changing right up to the day of filming.
When we were composing the storyboards we took into consideration that the band had two attractive young girls and a 50 year old man. We decided that we were goint to do more close ups of the girls than the man however we are still going to shoot some close ups of the man as he has an interesting face.
For some of our shots we will be tracking a close up of a jack danials bottle with the band playing in the backround. This will give a vintage effect and will give an interesting points of view for the audience to view the band through.
We came up for the idea of bonfires when we were looking though the lyrics and the concept of danger came up. We aslo thought that it would be visually pleasing for the audience as well as the fire would look good on camera.
We are using a lot of close up shots in our pop video as well as. For example during a guitar riff we will have a close up of a the man or girl playing that guitar part. However we can not do this for all of them as it will become repetetive.
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